Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Early Birthday Dad!!

This is us, in 2006.. not pictured is Aubrey

First, I would like to take this time to thank you... You are an exceptionally strong influence in my life... I know that you worked your butt off to give us the best that you could... what you gave us was an incredible sense of pride, and knowledge of how to accept our faults, and to correct them... you gave us a strong sense of being and worth. All of us in life will get lost at some point or another, be it financially, emotionally or in our relationships. But the stamp of good parents is how we handle the situations as adults... You raised five strong adults with good strong values... and now, my family is among my closest friends...

I know I don't tell ya nearly enough, and you may feel that I don't appreciate the lessons learned from you... So, I have compiled this video to show you some of the lessons that I have learned from watching my daddy....

1 comment:

none said...

Thank you for the beautiful birthday blog, this is probably the most memorable birthday card that I have ever received. It certainly made me emotional which I don’t often get, Maybe it is just because I am old... But thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love it and love my family :)


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