Thursday, June 26, 2008

The big Storm

So I get home from work just in time to witness a huge storm...

The power went out four times, and we had some minor flooding going on... nothing like Amanda's house last year, but it is not normal for us to see a river running down the road.

So, after the storm, me and the kids decided to go swimming... the water was really refreshing as it was really muggy outside

And Sarah learned a new trick... I will post an extended video on her later on Friday... But here is her first jump (kinda) ever off the diving board...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Even with a helpful "push" from her sister, Sarah finally realized she "Did It!" You could see the irritation leave her as the excitment of accomplishing the deed sunk in. Good job Sarah, now that the first time is out of the way I can only imagine that by the end of the summer she will be doing sumersaults off the diving board and showing everyone up!

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