(if only we had digital cameras during our youth.... oh the comedy we could write).
...Who could forget the painting of the 1974 F150... so mom wouldn't get mad, we parked it in the Barn for the night... Boy was she astounded the next day to come home and find the truck had been painted camouflage.... LOL... she was so shocked...
Here are two pictures of the Ford...

One of my most entertaining memories involves our barn... I would like to share this story now....
Remember the year we were told to tear it down .... who was the county to tell us to take it down cause they thought it was a safety issue.. they said it had to come down cause it would surely be taken down in the next windstorm... Did they not realize that we had tornado after tornado come ripping through our yard, uprooting trees, flipping fifth-wheels at the lake next door... and through it all the barn remained... It was a strong, sturdy barn... .... if they only knew the story that would be told because of that "safety issue"...
it looks safe to me?
Here is how I tell the tale: I remember you trekking inside, and tying this rope around what you thought was the main support post in the barn.... then we all trekked out to the truck and tied the other end of the rope to the hitch... Then not standing more than 10 feet from the barn, you start to drive the truck. We stand there in awe for a moment, the barn creeks, and we yell "RUN AWAY!! and run like hell from the barn to the road, the rope stretches, we hear the 10 inch by 10 inch post bounce off the concrete floor within the barn, then.... there is nothing... what in the world... the barn is still standing.... must have been the wrong post...
SO, you trek into the barn to try it again.... and again we all stand about 10 feet from the barn as you start to pull the rope with the truck, the barn creeks..."RUN AWAY!!!" we run to the road, and we hear the post bounce off the floor, is there movement, is there anything... then..... Nothing :(
AGAIN, you go trekking in the barn, your starting to get frustrated... this is ridiculous, "gonna blow down in the next storm, what the hell do they know, they can come tear it down"... You tie off the rope to a nice load bearing post... this should do it... you come out telling us to be ready, this is the one... your sure of it.... we take a couple of steps back... we are unsure you know what your talking about.... you gun the truck... the tires spin, we hear crackling, "RUN AWAY" mom yells... we run... what do we know, we are kids for crying out loud... we go running full speed to the road, yes, we are laughing the hole way, it seems we have found a new game... who can be fastest to the road, knowing it will be Dan, he is always fastest... .He runs like Tarzan in those old black and white movies... then we look at the barn, mom is breathing pretty heavy now, but.... will it go.... will this be the post..... No :(
We repeat this process several times... we have no clue how the damn thing is still standing, we have taken every support post out of the stupid thing... why is it still standing.... So in an effort at humor, you attach the rope to the post that is completely rotted out on the bottom, barely looks like it is even touching its concrete footing....hell, were not sure if any of the barn is even attached to it... almost looks like it is just standing there, leaning against the barn... This time, when you start to pull away, we just stand there, there is no running, there is not panic... .I mean come on, we have been running for a while now and nothing ever happens, were not killing ourselves this time...
Then it happens, there is... a creek..... a crackle.... then this weird squeaking sound, could it be.... its moving.... "AHHHHH RUN AWAY" mom grabs Amanda, she is dragging her across the yard, I have grabbed John, are his feet touching the ground, damn john run faster... I think Dan may have thrown Aaron over his shoulders.... "RUN AWAY.... RUN AWAY!!! OH MY GOD, its GOING... RUUUUUNNNNNN!.... as we look back over our shoulders, the damn barn does nothing more than.... sit.... I don't know how else to say it... it doesn't collapse, it doesn't crumble, it more or less sat down... now the roof is sitting in tact on the ground... you have to understand... take your arms, hold them straight up and down, then rotate both arms at the elbows to the right keeping your hands pointing up... this is what the barn did... it sat down... for crying out loud...
Oh well, at least it is down.... save cleanup for the next couple of years... we did our part......
by the time the house sold, you would have never know a barn existed...
1 comment:
I have to say, my favorite part is when you said --- "we weren't sure if you knew what you were talking about." -- speaking of us towards Dad... definitly made me laugh.
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