Sarah was Aurora, a beautiful princess, and Tom was Captain Jack Sparrow... I was exceptional proud of his makeup job, took me an hour to do

Joe was the Devil, though we ran out of time and forgot to put on his horns...

Alysha was the Wicked Witch of the West
Now, here is my honesty, there were pics of me at the time of this party, however due to my surprise for my family, I was unable to show you it at the time...

Well, without the horns Joe actually resembles Darth Maul from Star Wars e[isode I, except, without the yellowish red eyes and prominent black markings.
I must say you all looked great. Too bad about not being horney Joe! But you still made a great devil. Sarah was just beautiful, Alysha looked unwell, all green and sickly looking (hehe), Tom made a great pirate too.....too bad the one of Mel didn't turn out. Should have had someone else hold the camera for at least one picture! Glad to see you all went out and had some fun together. Nothing like a good Halloween Party!
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