This month, I went on a wonderful trip to Washington. The kids all stayed home with Joe.
My trip out there was exciting. I arrived at the airport about an hour and a half early for my flight, mind you I was flying the day after Easter, it took me so long to check in and get through security, that I had only 10

minutes to run to my gate (A68, I was at A13), I literally ran the entire length of the gates. When I got to my gate (
thoroughly out of breath) I w
as told there is a 10 minute rule, if your not in your seat 10 minutes prior to departure, you loose your seat to standby... I lost my seat, as I arrived at exactly 640 (the time of departure).
GRRRRR... I was bumped to the 930 flight. This worked to my favor as that flight was to be a direct flight where as my 640 flight had a layover in Minneapolis. So I pulled up a seat, took out a book and settled in to wait 3 hours for my flight. About an hour into my book, we are told there is a delay with our flight, and now we will be leaving at 1020.
GRRRR We actually left the airport at 1100 EST. I arrived in Washington at 1215 PST (it was a 4 hour flight), and my legs
didn't work... too long on my butt I think...
But I ultimately made it there in one
piece and finally got to hang with my

This picture was
actually taken the day I left, but I am still working on uploading all the pictures
She is so cute sipping on her juice box... ah heck, she is just plain cute...